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Let’s talk about the weather!

The average person spends eight minutes a day talking about the weather. I just looked it up.

I had done a handful of freelance articles for the Co-operator before coming on board as a staff writer in May. I’m a journalist by trade, and don’t have a ton of agriculture in my background. I knew I had a lot to learn about the nuts and bolts of a farming operation; about soil science and botany, weeds and diseases, and I was excited to start my new journey.

One subject I thought I had sufficient knowledge in was weather. Eight minutes per day for a lifetime adds up. So, I figured I could hold my own.

Of course, I knew weather played a role in agriculture. Whenever you’re talking about growing crops or raising livestock outdoors, the topic of weather is bound to come up. Even the most agri-ignorant city-slicker has shared the notion that rain, in spite of its negative effect on parades and the like, can at least be ‘good for the farmers.’

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