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Lethbridge to host Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers National Event

The Alberta Outstanding Young Farmers (OYF) Region is preparing to host Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers’ National Event which will take place at the Sandman Signature Hotel Lethbridge, AB from Nov 27- Dec 1, 2024.    

Alberta’s OYF regional chair, Jinel Ference states, “Ag business is comparable to the peaks and valleys found in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta.  It takes great strength, perseverance and commitment to navigate the journey of being producers in agriculture and the Outstanding Young Farmers of Canada are exceptional examples of this.” 

 Every year this event brings recognition to outstanding farm couples in Canada between 18 and 39 years of age who have exemplified excellence in their profession while fostering better urban-rural relations. Seven entrepreneurial farm couples from across Canada chosen from their home regions will present highlights of their operations at the National Event on Friday November 29.

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