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Livestock eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance

Livestock losses are eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance if insurance could not be purchased.

Manitoba Beef Producers General Manager Carson Callum commented on the program announcement made this week.

"It's definitely a positive, that they included livestock losses under the DFA program because it's a potential avenue for producers to get compensation for those losses they incurred during those severe weather events," he said. "We encourage producers to look at the application process, what is going to be required and we're continuingly involved in conversations with the EMO office to ensure that whatever is required is reasonable and realistic just based on the nature of the losses."

Callum talked about one of the requirements.

"Producers need to talk to their vet and get a support letter or certificate that can be attached to their claim that basically demonstrates the probable cause of loss. It's not going to be expected that they need to do a full post-mortem because that is really unrealistic because producers had to deal with their deadstock and dispose of them properly as per provincial guidelines. So really, it's more talking with your vet, getting them to write that support letter. If you show that those losses occurred on your farm and if you have that good veterinary client relationship, it will help. We're working with the veterinary community to try to come up with a template for them to utilize moving forward and just working on that now."

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