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Lomond Farmer Says Canola's Flat And Durum Looks Tough

A farmer out East in the Lomond area says it's still going to be a bit of a haul to the get remaining crops off.
Greg Honess is back out in the field again after snow storms across Southern Alberta and central areas of the province brought harvest to a grinding halt.
Honess says there's some flat canola crops that are wet underneath, adding the durum wheat also looks tough.
"I'm going to say it's going to add to the feed surplus around Southern Alberta and probably watch the price drop a little more."
Honess doubles as Coach of the Lomond Lakers and says during his drive to practice in Claresholm, he's seen a lot of farmers working to get the canola off.
"Around here there's some flat, flat canola crops. Guys that didn't have it swathed before the storms and they are flat some of them and wet underneath."
The prolonged harvest season this year is definitely a change in pace for Honess who says it's been extremely dry out East for the past four or five years.
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