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Lotus Stir-Fry Scores High In Consumer Panels

Lotus, an aquatic perennial vegetable native to many subtropical and temperate zones, is cultivated extensively throughout Asia. Lotus rhizomes, stems, flowers, seeds, and young leaves are in great demand, and are considered a dietary vegetable staple in many Asian cultures because of their high content of protein, amino acids, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, carotenoids, and macro/micronutrients. A new report in HortTechnology found there may be a niche market for locally grown lotus among American consumers.

Deacue Fields and Togo Traore, corresponding authors of the report, explained that lotus rhizomes are used extensively in culinary preparations such as soups, salads, desserts, and stir-fried food in China, Japan, India, Vietnam, and Australia. "Although lotus is indigenous in many areas in Alabama and the United States, the prospect of cultivating lotus commercially presents several questions concerning its sustainability as a specialty vegetable crop in Alabama and the United States," Traore and Fields noted.

To find out more about American's perceptions, a research team evaluated consumer preference for three different preparations of fresh lotus rhizomes and value-added products (stir-fry, baked chips, and salad) through consumer taste panels at Auburn University's Department of Nutrition Dietetics and Hospitality Management and a locally owned restaurant. Prior to the taste panels, only 30% of the participants had some knowledge about the lotus rhizome and its health benefits and preparations.

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