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Loveland Products Promotes Fertilizer's New Standard Black Label Zn - "It's Phosphate Done Better"

Loveland Products Promotes Fertilizer's New Standard Black Label Zn -
Brandon Tripp of CPS, covers a sales territory that includes the Panhandles of both Oklahoma and Texas. To better serve the interests of his customers, Tripp, recently started advising clients to add a new product from Loveland, to the management program of their operations, called Black Label® Zn (zinc).
“Black Label® Zn is the new standard of applying phosphate fertilizer,” Tripp said. “We’re introducing Black Label® Zn as a new way to get your phosphate fertilizer, in a formula that builds your soil health and makes nutrients become more available.”
Through Loveland’s proprietary “LHC technology,” Black Label® Zn unlocks plant nutrients in the soil that can be tied up in the high Ph, calcium rich dirt of Oklahoma.
“This LHC component in Black Label® Zn is actually creating an area where those nutrients don’t get tied up, so the plant can use them more efficiently,” Tripp informed. “It really gives them a jump-start boost from the get-go.”
For farmers taking a more sustainable or environmentally friendly approach, Tripp suggests using the Black Label® Zn product’s cousin, BlackMax 22, utilizing only naturally occurring organic acids.
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