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Low yield allowance change encourages poor crops be used as feed

AFSC is adjusting the low yield allowance for 2023 to encourage farmers to put more poor-quality crops towards livestock feed in dry areas. 

For 2023, Agriculture Financial Services (AFSC) is doubling the low yield threshold to allow for additional cereal or pulse crops to be salvaged for livestock feed. For example, the barley crop threshold will be increased from 150 to 300 kg per acre. The low yield allowance is a standard part of production insurance and is meant for situations where there may not be value in harvesting for grain (e.g., low yield due to extreme heat and severe drought).

This adjustment enables producers to act swiftly to salvage crops for livestock feed rather than watch their fields deteriorate further, and risk harvesting nothing. Clients can use the AFSC yield estimation calculator to help determine potential yields and make decisions on when to harvest or preharvest a crop. The yield estimation calculator (opens in a new link) is easy to use, and producers can have an estimated yield in a few simple steps.

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