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Major Brewers Meet One-On-One With U.S. Barley Growers In Virtual Setting

Last week, barley growers from Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Washington virtually met one-on-one with several Mexican brewers, who received an update on planting area, expected yield and crop conditions across the states.

Growers presented on the conditions of their crop, explaining they have been very pleased with recent rains that will secure a good crop. The brewers also heard broader outlooks for the season from state barley organization officials.

“Changes in personnel are common in the industry, so we need to frequently remind buyers that the Council is here to help them source high-quality barley,” said Javier Chavez, USGC senior marketing specialist in Mexico. “Brewers are also very interested in regular planting reports so they know what supply to expect and the impact it will have on prices.”

Barley demand in Mexico has increased significantly in recent years, and there is interest from brewers in the country to source barley from the U.S. and increase brewers’ current procurement programs by generating new forward-contracting relationships. This virtual education session helped buyers better understand the upcoming U.S. barley crop and its ability to supply their needs in 2025 and beyond.

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Ag Policy Agenda

Video: Ag Policy Agenda

Today it has been a busy couple of weeks in our Nation's Capital as our government is switching administrations. That means a lot of new faces and policies to get acquainted with in the year ahead. We were joined earlier this week by Nebraska Extension Policy Specialist Brad Lubben to discuss how this new administration could shape future Ag policy.