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Management strategies for dry conditions and extreme heat

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

In 2021, the Lakeland region of Alberta experienced one of the driest years since 2002, leaving many agricultural producers scrambling for feed and water resources for livestock. More concerning, harvested crops yielded as low as 30% of normal yields. Such extreme conditions have prompted producers to look for a one-stop resource source to assist them in making dry weather and extreme heat management decisions on their operations.

This project aims to summarize and provide agricultural producers in northeastern Alberta with concise and current information on strategies to manage production challenges during dry conditions and extreme heat. It will also provide recovery options following the return of normal moisture levels. This information will be drawn and compiled by Lakeland Agricultural Research Association (LARA), Gateway Research Organization (GRO) and Lakeland College, as well as other agriculture specialist expertise including Alberta Beef Producers (ABP), Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC), Alberta Barley Commission (ABC), and Alberta Pulse Growers (APG).

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

This project will benefit multiple sectors of the agriculture industry in northeastern Alberta including livestock, annual and perennial forage production, annual crops, and environmental sustainability.

How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?

Findings will be published in a printed booklet and online resource guide for northeastern Alberta producers and will be distributed through workshops, local municipal offices like LARA and GRO, through Lakeland College, available for Lakeland College students, and mailed to producer members of LARA and GRO.

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