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Over the past 20 years, Canada’s barley acreage has shrunk by nearly 155,000 acres annually, while both wheat (up 440,000 acres annually) and corn (up 300,000 acres annually) have grown. A smaller barley supply has prompted Western Canadian cattle feeders to look at alternate grain sources. Cattle feeders in Central Canada and the U.S. have fed corn for many years, so a lot of scientific and practical information already existed to ease its adoption.

But there was less knowledge and experience when it came to feeding wheat. Nutritionists and cattle feeders know that wheat’s higher starch content increases the risk of digestive upsets like acidosis. They also know that red wheat (bread) varieties had more protein and a harder seed than white (pastry) varieties. These differences in protein content and hardness will impact how they respond to processing, as well as their nutritional value for different types of cattle.

Dr. Tim McAllister led a team of researchers from AAFC Lethbridge and the University of Saskatchewan to refine grain procurement, processing and management recommendations for including wheat in feedlot diets (Effect of dry or temper rolling of high- or low-protein wheat and its impact on rumen parameters, growth performance, and liver abscesses in feedlot cattle;

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Dr. Josiane Panisson: Swine Nutrition Career

Video: Dr. Josiane Panisson: Swine Nutrition Career

In this episode of The Swine it Podcast Show Canada, Dr. Josiane Panisson, Assistant Manager of Contract Research at Prairie Swine Centre, explores the critical question: Is swine nutrition the right path for you? Drawing from her extensive experience in swine research and nutrition, Dr. Panisson shares practical advice on finding your niche in the swine industry, choosing the right mentors, and tackling the challenges of research and graduate studies. Listen now on all major podcast platforms to map your future in swine science!