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Manitoba Association of Watersheds welcomes On-Farm Climate Action Funding

Manitoba Association of Watersheds (MAW) is a successful recipient of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) On-Farm Climate Action Fund Project.

The MAW-led project, which was supported by 38 organizations throughout the region, will receive up to $40 million over the two-year project to be delivered throughout Manitoba and Saskatchewan around three key farming practices that benefit climate resiliency in agriculture: rotational grazing, nitrogen management, and cover crops.

“We are ecstatic to receive this news,” said Lynda Nicol, MAW executive director. “The project partners we are aligned with all have long history of producer-focused project delivery and producer outreach, which are key components of the project proposal’s success.”

Nicol said the AAFC project will be overseen by a steering committee led by MAW, and including Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW), Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA), Saskatchewan Forage Council (SFC), Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC), and Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP), in addition to representatives from watershed districts in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The project partners will be fully engaged in planning, outreach, mentorship, and producer engagement.

“We are taking a grassroots, regional approach to addressing issues related to climate change in agriculture,” said Garry Wasylowski, MAW board chair. “Supporting farmers to implement BMPs related to nitrogen management, rotational grazing, and cover cropping will have a positive impact on Canadian agriculture. We are proud to have the opportunity to deliver this programming in Manitoba and Saskatchewan thanks to AAFC.”

Nicol pointed out the front-end work of the MFGA in the organizing of the regional group’s discussions around the proposal opportunity and says the framework and respective group networks, including conservation interests and agriculture groups, are in place to allow the group to move forward quickly under MAW’s leadership.

“This is a project for producers and has been since our very first steps together as a group,” said Nicol. “We are intent on producers seeing the great impacts they can make on their farmlands via this project and are confident in the strength of our delivery partners to move this project forward to communicate, mentor and engage producers efficiently while delivering the on farm climate actions identified by AAFC that are so paramount to this project. We expect more program details will be released in March.”

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