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Manitoba Bison Farm Receives Grant Money To Offer Virtual Tours

A bison farm near The Pas is one of more than 160 projects so far to receive a Safe at Home Manitoba grant.
Last week, the province announced a $15,000 grant going to Round The Bend Farm, which plans to offer virtual tours.
"I think the main goal of this is to get people to stay home," said owner Shawn Sexsmith. "We can't travel anymore, and prior to COVID, we used to have fairly regular tours out to the farm and people would come out and we'd give them a farm tour and then at the end of it we'd quite often have a meal, all from the farm, and we can't do that any more. Doing this virtually, it's kind of filling that void."
Round The Bend Farm runs around 80 to 100 head of grass-finished bison, in addition to laying hens, pigs, vegetable gardens, and honey bees. Sexsmith says the grant money will be used to set-up towers and wiring throughout the farm to improve connectivity.
So far, $2.7 million has been approved through the Safe at Home Manitoba grant program.
Applications closed last week.
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