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Manitoba Canola Growers Pass Resolution Advocating For Export Sales Reporting Program

One resolution was passed Thursday during the virtual Annual General Meeting for the Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA). Below is a copy of the resolution:
Whereas grain markets function best when all parties have access to the same sales information.
Whereas there are currently gaps in the market knowledge for canola and other crops grown in Western Canada.
Whereas Canada currently does not have mandatory export sales data reporting like producers have access to in the USA and a significant portion of Canadian canola seed, oil and meal is exported.
Be it resolved that MCGA work with other commissions and organizations to advocate for the establishment of an Export Sales Reporting Program where all sales over the set minimum volume for canola seed, oil and meal, and other crops, must be reported daily to be compiled weekly and released in a timely fashion, to add valuable knowledge to aid producers in marketing of their production.
"Having a mandatory export sales reporting will give farmers more market information," said resolution mover Roh Krahn. "Better decisions are made by farmers when we have transparency in the markets. Passing this resolution gives strength in numbers and more widespread requests of government to make this mandatory reporting happen."
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Video: 2024 OMHA-Dairy Farmers of Ontario Bursary Recipient: Drake Moore (Oro)

Players know first-hand the commitment needed to succeed at a high level on the ice and in the classroom. The OMHA is proud to partner with the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) to award post-secondary education bursaries to minor hockey players in recognition of their outstanding commitment to community, athletic ability, and academic achievement. One of the recipient's for 2024 is Oro's Drake Moore.