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Manitoba Celebrates Agriculture Awareness Day

The Manitoba government is celebrating Agriculture Awareness Day today by hosting a virtual event highlighting advances in agriculture, protein innovation and emerging agricultural technologies.
“Agriculture is one of Manitoba’s leading industries and a key economic driver that produces high-quality, safe food on a local and global scale, and has shown steady economic growth,” said Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen. “Today, we celebrate the women and men who work hard every day to produce safe and high-quality food while respecting our environment. The individuals and companies involved in agriculture and food processing strive to build on opportunities and advantages that come with a growing demand for food.”
The virtual event featured a number of presentations on advances in agriculture and protein innovation with speakers from Roquette, Enterprise Machine Intelligence and Learning Initiative (EMILI), and Borderland Agriculture.
Kristine Tapley from the Manitoba Protein Consortium hosted a panel discussion on Emerging Protein Technologies featuring speakers from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, the University of Manitoba and Hatch, an aquaculture venture capital firm based in Hawaii, Singapore and Norway.
The Manitoba government created the Manitoba Protein Consortium in January 2020 to provide leadership on projects of strategic importance and encourage stakeholders to continue actions to implement the Manitoba Protein Advantage.
Getty Stewart, a professional home economist, public speaker, educator, recipe developer and author, conducted a recipe demo hosted by the Farm and Food Discovery Centre.
In 2005, Manitoba established Agriculture Awareness Day to promote greater awareness of the contributions agriculture makes to this province and the industry’s role as a key driver of the Manitoba economy. In 2014, the Farm and Food Awareness Act formalized this recognition in legislation, making Agriculture Awareness Day the third Tuesday in March.
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