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Manitoba celebrates eighth annual Food and Farm Awareness Week

The Manitoba government is encouraging all Manitobans to celebrate the province’s agri-food system during the eighth annual Food and Farm Awareness Week.

“Manitoba’s agri-food industry produces a diverse range of delicious foods,” said Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson. “I encourage Manitobans to celebrate Food and Farm Awareness Week by trying new local products.”

Since its inception in 2015, the awareness week has been launched on the third Monday in September. The minister said the week’s activities provide important opportunities for Manitobans to learn about and celebrate the diversity of food production in the province, the hard-working people in the agri-food industry, and the importance of agriculture to the provincial economy.

The theme for this year is Engaging Manitobans on Our Agri-food Industry.

Manitoba Agriculture has launched a ‘selfie challenge’ on Twitter to highlight the diversity of the province’s agri-food industry. Manitobans are encouraged to follow @MBGovAg and share their passion for the industry by posting photographs of themselves at farms or enjoying meals made with Manitoba foods, accompanied by #FacesofMBAg and #FarmFoodAwarenessWeek.

As part of the week’s celebrations, Johnson and Mental Health and Community Wellness Minister Sarah Guillemard will proclaim Sept. 21 as Local Veggie Day to celebrate Manitoba farmers, local vegetables and initiatives across the province that nourish and support families and communities.

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