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Manitoba Crop Alliance accepting nominations for crop committee delegates

The Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) is now accepting nominations from farmer members to serve as delegates on its four crop committees.

Those being corn (4 positions), wheat and barley (5 positions), sunflower (4 positions) and flax (4 positions).

MCA Chair Robert Misko says there are many benefits to becoming a delegate.

"You get a lot more of a view of what's going on in the industry, because you're right in it...It gives you a much more rounded view of agriculture. You're not just looking at it necessarily from one point of view. You get to see some of the other issues through the value chain, in regards to freighting, the elevator companies, pricing. It's not perfect but you get a lot more information than if you're just sitting on sitting on the sides. It gives you insight into some of the things that are going on."

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