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Manitoba Crop Alliance Announces New Board Of Directors

Following the adjournment of the Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, a new board of directors took office.
The MCA Board of Directors is comprised of eleven directors: three Directors from the Corn Committee, two Directors from the Sunflower Committee, two Directors from the Flax Committee and four Directors from the Wheat and Barley Committee.
The 2020 – 2021 board of directors are:
Leonard Wiebe, Carman, Manitoba – Corn Committee
Jonothan Hodson, Lenore, Manitoba – Corn Committee
Warren McCutcheon, Carman, Manitoba – Corn Committee
Gregg Fotheringham, Reston, Manitoba – Sunflower Committee
Mark McDonald, Virden, Manitoba – Sunflower Committee
Eric Fridfinnson, Arborg, Manitoba – Flax Committee
Nick Matheson, Stonewall, Manitoba – Flax Committee
Robert Misko, Roblin, Manitoba – Wheat and Barley Committee
Ryan Hueging, Woodlands, Manitoba – Wheat and Barley Committee
Doug Martin, East Selkirk, Manitoba – Wheat and Barley Committee
Fred Greig, Reston, Manitoba – Wheat and Barley Committee
Each of the new directors were elected from their respective crop committees during meetings held on January 13 and 14.
The Executive Committee will be determined at a reorganizational meeting held shortly after the AGM.
“MCA extends its sincere appreciation to the previous directors and crop committee delegates for all of their efforts in the successful launch of MCA last year and everything accomplished on behalf of Manitoba farmers in our first operational year,” said MCA CEO Pam de Rocquigny.“We look forward to welcoming the new board of directors to build on last year’s momentum, and to continue to work stronger together to ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax farmers in Manitoba are successful and profitable.”
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