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Manitoba Crop Alliance Appoints Officer Positions

The Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) board of directors held their reorganizational meeting and appointed the officer positions for the upcoming year.
Fred Greig from Reston was re-elected as chair, Robert Misko from Roblin was re-elected as vice chair and Doug Martin from East Selkirk was elected as secretary.
“I’m honoured to be re-elected as chair and look forward to another year working alongside the MCA Board of Directors to represent the best interests and productivity of spring and winter wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax farmers in Manitoba,” said Greig. “It’s important to me to give back to the farming community as others have done before me.”
Greig farms 5,300 acres and operates a 100-beef cow operation with his family near Reston. Greig’s previous and current board experience includes serving on the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers, founding director for CANTERRA SEEDS, director with Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA), and current director with MCA as well as director for Sunrise Credit Union.
“I look forward to serving another year on the MCA board of directors representing the farmer voice,” said Misko. “I think it’s important we build strong connections and work together for the same goal: to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of spring and winter wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax in Manitoba.”
Misko farms 6,200 acres with his family and parents near Roblin. Misko’s previous and current board experience includes Reeve for the Rural Municipality (RM) of Hillsburg, Association of Manitoba Municipalities director for the Parkland Region, delegate for Manitoba Pool and Agricore, director with MWBGA, director for Cereals Canada and director and research representative for Western Grains Research Foundation. He is currently Head of Council for the RM of Roblin and sits on the Parkland Crop Diversification Foundation Board.
Martin farms 3,000 acres near East Selkirk. In addition to the grain farm, he operates a 1,200 swine farrow-wean stock operation. He is a delegate on the wheat and barley committee of MCA and prior to the formation of MCA he was the chair of Winter Cereals Manitoba. He is District Advisor for Manitoba Pork Council and sits on the KAP Advisory Council for his district.
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