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Manitoba Crop Alliance Transition Update

Two months have passed since members of five Manitoba commodity groups voted in favor of amalgamation.
The groups involved include Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA), Manitoba Corn Growers Association (MCGA), National Sunflower Association of Canada (NSAC), Manitoba Flax Growers Association (MFGA) and Winter Cereals Manitoba, Inc. (WCMI).
Manitoba Crop Alliance Interim Board of Directors
MCA’s interim board of directors include Fred Greig – Chair (MWBGA), Robert Misko - Vice-Chair (MWBGA), Doug Martin – Secretary (WCMI), Drew Baker (MWBGA), Reginald Johnson (MCGA), Leonard Wiebe (MCGA), Jonothan Hodson (MCGA), Eric Fridfinnson (MFGA), Nick Matheson (MFGA), Mark McDonald (NSAC) and Gregg Fotheringham (NSAC). These directors were appointed from their respective commodity groups to serve in an interim role until delegate elections at the crop committee level get underway in fall 2020. An online board meeting was held early April 2020 to review progress to date and key activities in the coming months. The interim management team of Pam de Rocquigny and Darcelle Graham are assisting MCA’s board.
It is also important to note the five Manitoba commodity groups continue to operate and meet during the transition period. After August 1, 2020, the existing five boards will transition to the four crop committees, with MWBGA and WCMI joining to form the Wheat and Barley committee. The other three crop committees are Corn, Flax and Sunflower. MCA’s board and crop committee structure are available at
Designation Regulation
On Friday, February 14th, the day after the positive votes at the five-commodity group’s annual general and special meetings, MCA submitted the draft designation regulation to the Manitoba Farm Products Marketing Council (MFPMC). For MCA to collect check-off on the crop types the five groups currently represent, MCA requires its own designation regulation. The check-off rate for each crop type will remain at the current rates. The designation regulation is currently being reviewed by government officials. Once that process is complete, the designation regulation will proceed through the regulatory channels necessary for approval.
Key Transition Areas
Manitoba Crop Alliance’s board of directors with assistance from the management team identified and reviewed six main areas of focus as the five groups transition to MCA. The six areas of focus and their key activities are:
1. Governance – developing operating procedures and related documents, providing increased clarity on the roles and responsibilities of delegates/directors, election procedures and resolution guidelines. MCA’s board of directors is placing strong emphasis on governance as good governance lays the foundation for a highly functional and effective organization.
2. Financial Reporting – a request for proposal (RFP) process to secure competitive banking services is underway; this will include administration of the Advance Payments Program (APP).
3. Human Resources – directors and staff are working with People First HR Services to assist with transitional support of staff and organizational requirements, including work agreements and job descriptions. MCGA and MWBGA have a long-standing relationship with People First and have worked with them on various initiatives in the past. Therefore, People First brings a great understanding of Manitoba commodity groups, their functions, and the staff currently employed by the five existing organizations.
4. Communications – Think Shift, a Winnipeg-based agency specializing in brand development, campaign execution, digital, social and content marketing, video production and more within the agriculture sector, has been selected from a RFP process to build the foundation for future Manitoba Crop Alliance communications activities. MCA is excited to partner with Think Shift and begin work on developing an identity for the organization, a new website, extension materials and other various communications initiatives.
5. Legal – includes designation regulation, research agreements, asset transfers.
6. Information/Technology (IT) – integration of phone and computer program requirements. Internal committees have been created so directors can work alongside staff during the transition process. Recommendations by the internal committees will be made to MCA’s board of directors for review and final approval.
Funding Application
Manitoba Crop Alliance has also applied for funding through Manitoba’s Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to offset some costs associated with governance and communications focus areas. As work continues by MCA’s interim board and staff leading up to August 1, 2020, MCA will continue to provide updates to the five memberships. If members have any questions related to the transition process, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the interim Manitoba Crop Alliance directors or the interim management team.
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