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Manitoba Crop Report

Cool, dry soils have slowed seeding and crop emergence, where some farms have caught up to their intended seeding goals to date, waiting for warmer temperatures to plant crops that are more sensitive.

Provincial seeding progress sits at 18%, on par for the 4-year average.

Conserving existing soil moisture remains top of mind for many farmers. Many farms are using limited disturbance openers for fertilizer and seeding, where possible.

Rain over the weekend helped keep dust down, and provide a little seedbed moisture, but will quickly dissipate.

Flea beetles are out and looking for food sources. Some canola growers in the southern Interlake have delayed canola seeding until forecasts look more favourable for rapid germination and emergence.

The Prairie Pest Monitoring Network has highlighted cutworms as a pest to keep an eye out when scouting pre-emergent or early-emerged crops

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