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Manitoba Crop Report

Manitoba's weekly crop report says drought concerns persist, with downgraded yield outlook for spring cereals, canola, and corn this week.

More cereal crops are being cut for greenfeed, and canola stand architecture appears thin and pods are smaller than normal after prolonged heat and drought.

Soybeans appear to be a brighter spot, with most crops assessed as fair to good throughout the province, and handling heat well, but will need timely rain to begin pod fill.

First cut hay has largely finished, there will be no second cut in most areas of the province, unless significant august rains arrive, together with cooler temperatures.

Grasshopper feeding has become more widespread, insecticide applications are occurring in all regions, primarily on hay, pasture and cereal crops, as well as roadside ditches.

The rural municipalities of Armstrong, Bifrost-Riverton, Coldwell, and St. Laurent (all Interlake region) have declared states of agricultural disaster due to persistent growing challenges including insects and lack of rainfall over the previous two weeks.

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