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Manitoba Crops Catching Up but Still Late

Manitoba crops are advancing rapidly but many still look as much as three weeks behind compared to normal development, according to the latest weekly crop report. 

Earlier-seeded spring wheat crops are fully flowered, with most now at head emergence, the report said, adding most of the barley and oat crops are at flag leaf, while the earliest barley crops in in the Red River Valley are headed out. Grain and silage corn has put on a “huge amount of growth in the past week and is looking quite good.” 

Canola crops range from 4-leaf to full (50%) bloom stage, with the bulk of the crop expected to reach 20% bloom in the next few days, reaching the threshold for fungicide application. However, the report described canola crops are extremely variable in many districts – due to seeding date, flea beetle pressure, reseeding, and environmental conditions. Water stress is causing leaf-cupping in some crops on slower-draining land with recent heavy rains, while others are lush and in full bloom only a few miles away.  

Canola fields that were stressed throughout the spring are starting to bolt – more as a stress response than reaching the maturity threshold, it added. 

Soybeans are growing rapidly with recent warmer weather, while field peas have moved into reproductive stages, with earliest crops advancing to the beginning of pod formation. 

Despite generally good growing conditions more recently, the report said heavy rains have damaged crops, leaving large drowned out spots.  

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