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Manitoba Crops Developing Quickly

Crops are developing quickly across Manitoba, with much of the province seeing at least some precipitation this past week. 

However, rainfall continues to be highly variable, with some areas still in need of moisture and others being hit with heavy downpours and hail. Some areas south of Brandon received 125 mm of rain in one hour from a storm early last week, which resulted in standing water in the fields, the report said, adding that producers in Newton, Oakville, and Elm Creek reported large hail, some larger than golf balls. 

On the other hand, the report said that while crops in the Eastern Region remain in good condition overall, soil moisture reserves are not adequate to maintain crop conditions “unless recharged relatively soon.” 

In terms of crop development, most spring cereal fields in the province range from heading/anthesis to the early milk stage, although some very late seeded crops are still in five leaf stage. Canola ranges from early bolting to full bloom, and field pea crops continued to flower last week and move into the R3 (flat pod) growth stage.  

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