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Manitoba Farmers Counting on Warmer Temperatures in July

Manitoba Farmers will be looking for warmer temperatures in July to give the warmer season crops a boost.Manitoba Agriculture released its weekly crop report Tuesday.Dennis Lange, a pulse and soybean specialist with Manitoba Agriculture and editor of the provincial crop report, says growing degree accumulation right now is near or slightly below normal for most of Manitoba and some of the warmer season crops, such as dry beans, soybeans and to some extent corn aren't growing as quickly as in previous years and are little behind normal.

Quote-Dennis Lange-Manitoba Agriculture:

In southern regions I think things went in kind of as we expected as we had a little bit better seeding conditions earlier on.Areas up in the Interlake, there are some growers that backed away from growing soybeans this year just because it got into being a later year.They planted more canola but overall, I think we'll be up probably on the canola acres and down from what we were expecting initially on the soybean and dry bean acres just based on the growing season that we've had so far.

Total accumulated rainfall was variable across Manitoba with the central and southwestern regions getting the most precipitation so far this season.With the recent rain events, precipitation accumulation in most areas has exceeded 150 percent of normal so we are definitely wetter than what we've been in past years.

But, the conversation we had last winter was that we were going into spring being a drier year and now we're having the exact opposite conversation.In some areas they do have some standing water that got some thunderstorms that have moved through over the last week or so but generally things are still looking OK yet in Manitoba.We just need some warmer temperatures.

So far we are only getting a few days of warmth once every week and it would be nice, once we get into July to get those warmer temperatures and get these warmer season catching up a bit.

Lange says the biggest discussion point this year has been all the wind we've had this spring and how it's affected some of the more sensitive crops, like soybeans and dry beans.He says once they get a little more crop growth that will become a non issue.

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Sowing Success: Dr. Gordon Spronk's Journey with Pipestone and the Future of Swine Health

Video: Sowing Success: Dr. Gordon Spronk's Journey with Pipestone and the Future of Swine Health

Welcome back to In Swine Versation. Get ready for an enlightening journey as we delve into the remarkable story of Dr. Gordon Spronk, a founding partner at Pipestone, in our latest episode of "Sowing Success." In this episode, we'll be exploring key questions that shed light on Pipestone's evolution and the future of swine health. Here's a glimpse of what to expect:

1. Exploring Pipestone's Foundations: We'll kick off by uncovering the early vision behind Pipestone and how it has shaped the landscape for new entrepreneurs entering the field. Dr. Spronk will share insights into the core principles that have guided Pipestone's journey and how they continue to drive success today.

2. Industry-Shaping Experiences: Moving on to Dr. Spronk's impactful tenure at the National Pork Board, we'll explore his contributions to sustainability, growth accomplishments, and his vision for the future of pork production. Expect to gain insights into how Dr. Spronk's experiences have influenced the industry and what he envisions for its future.

3. Global Excellence and Growth: With Pipestone ranking second in the latest World Mega Producers ranking, we'll delve into what these impressive numbers signify and how Pipestone continues to excel on a global scale. Dr. Spronk will share his perspectives on the key factors driving Pipestone's success and its strategy for continued growth and innovation.

4. Navigating Challenges: We'll address the hot topic of Prop 12 and its implications for the industry. Dr. Spronk will provide valuable insights into the challenges and implementation issues faced by Pipestone and how the company is navigating through this complex landscape.

5. Updates on Wholestone Plant: Dr. Spronk will provide updates on the latest developments at the Wholestone plant in South Dakota, offering insights into how this initiative aligns with Pipestone's broader goals and objectives.

6. Transformative Journey of Pipestone Management: Taking a trip down memory lane, we'll explore the transformative journey of Pipestone Management since its inception in 1988. Dr. Spronk will share insights into the growth and evolution of Pipestone Management, highlighting key milestones and lessons learned along the way.

7. Defining Swine Health Success: Finally, we'll delve into Dr. Spronk's definition of swine health and its pivotal role in the success of Pipestone Management. Expect to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of swine health and how it drives Pipestone's mission and values.

Overall, this episode promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of Pipestone's journey and the future of swine health. Tune in for an engaging conversation that's sure to leave you inspired and informed about what lies ahead in the world of pork production.