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Manitoba Harvest Getting Started

The harvest of winter wheat and fall rye crops is underway in Manitoba, with some barley and dry pea crops also now coming off, according to the latest weekly provincial crop report. 

Early yield results are described as average, with crop conditions generally looking good to very good in most parts of the province. In total, less than 1% of the Manitoba crop is in the bin. 

Fall rye yields are reported between 45 to 90 bu/acre, averaging between 75 to 85 bu/acre. Straw volumes are high, and swathing is common. Many farmers have commented that they are intending to seed more fall rye this autumn if conditions remain favourable, especially on ground that had been summerfallowed due to excessive moisture.  

Winter wheat yield reports are between 60 to 75 bu/acre. Harvest will continue as humidity drops and weather conditions allow in the coming days. Quality has been variable. 

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