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Manitoba Planting Estimated at 83% Complete

Manitoba producers managed to make good progress between showers this past week, but the overall planting pace continues to lag. 

The latest weekly crop report on Tuesday pegged overall planting across the province at 83% complete, up from 64% a week earlier but 5 points behind the five-year average and 4 points behind last year. 

Precipitation was variable last week, ranging from 0.3 mm at Rorketon to 39 mm at Brunkild. Heavy rainfall occurred in several regions over the weekend, the report said. 

Canola and soybean planting advanced, with canola now at 71% complete, and soybeans at 82%. Spring cereals are estimated to be 87 to 94% complete, peas are 97% complete, and grain corn is 95% complete. Flax is at 64% completion across the province, with sunflowers at 53% and dry beans at 66%. 

“Planting order has been changed on some farms, and fields are getting planted as soil conditions permit,” the report said. 

Fall rye and winter wheat fields range from stem elongation to booting, with the earliest fall rye heading. The most advanced spring wheat has three to four leaves and two tillers, with the earliest corn at V3 stage. Canola ranges from cotyledon to two true leaves. The earliest sunflowers are at the cotyledon to first true leaf stage. 

Most cattle are on pasture, remaining animals will be moved as soon as conditions permit. In areas with heavy rainfall, pastures are saturated or have standing water, and cattle are being moved to higher ground in areas where they may cause damage on waterlogged soils. 


Showers last week in most areas of the region affected seeding progress. Higher temperatures compared to the previous week helped fields dry down faster, and producers were able to make progress with seeding. Warm temperatures are needed to facilitate rapid growth in most crops. Seeding is 80 to 85% complete in the southwest region, with most producers working on canola, dry bean, and soybean acres.  

Cereals are 90 to 95% complete, with the early seeded cereals at the three to four leaf stage and later seeded cereals emerging well. Canola is 70 to 75% complete and ranges from emerging to the cotyledon stage. Peas are 95 to 100% complete and are at the 4 to 5 node stage. Flax is 80 to 85% complete and sunflowers are 85 to 90% complete. Soybeans are 85 to 90% complete and are emerging. Grain and silage corn are 90% complete, and ranges from emerging to the V2 stage. Winter cereals are progressing well, fall rye is at the boot stage. 


A mix of sunshine, rain and strong winds this week. Some seeding progress was made, but some areas were once again held up by rain. Full activity resumed midweek only to be interrupted by rain again across the region on Thursday. Warmer temperatures and very strong winds allowed progress to resume on the weekend. The entire Northwest region has received over 100% of normal rainfall to date, with some areas receiving over 200% of normal rainfall. Crops are still requiring heat to get a jump on growth. Some standing water in low areas of fields, with some fields being slow to germinate with the cool, wet conditions. Soil crusting has also been noted as an issue in some fields. 

Field pea seeding is complete. Most fields have emerged, and earliest seeded fields are V2-V3 stage. Spring wheat seeding is 90% complete. Earliest seeded wheat is approaching tillering stage and looks good. Canola seeding was able to progress across some of the region in between rains. Progress is approximately 75% complete, with further progress in Roblin and Swan River areas. 

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Winter Wheat Update

Video: Winter Wheat Update

So back south looking at the winter wheat for the first time since we seeded it! Looks pretty good to me Perhaps the chickpea stubble germination wasn't quite a 100%.