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Manitoba Pork Enhances Red River Ex Live Animal Displays

In an effort to better engage with the public Manitoba Pork has made a number of enhancements to its live animal exhibits at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair and the Red River Exhibition.
Agricultural Awareness has always been a priority for Manitoba Pork but, to counter the misinformation that has been circulating, those efforts are being ramped up.
Susan Riese, the Manager of Public Relations and Consumer Marketing Programs with Manitoba Pork, says displays at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair and the Red River Exhibition are now focusing for more on the stages of production, caring for the animals, the environmental impact of the sector and its economic contribution.
Susan Riese-Manitoba Pork:
Both of those fairs allow us to show some live animals so we do have pigs at both exhibits.
The Red River Exhibition is on right now and agriculture has always had a place there as well as the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair.
It's just a chance for us to engage with visitors.
In this case they're primarily urban and really share the story of real pork production and how pigs are raised.
Source : Farmscape

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