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A number of provincial parks in southern Manitoba will welcome campers this weekend, officially kicking off the 2023 season, Natural Resources and Northern Development Minister Greg Nesbitt announced today.

“With the slow start to spring this year, many Manitobans might be more eager than usual to get outside and enjoy our beautiful provincial parks,” said Nesbitt. “Manitoba Parks staff can’t wait to welcome everyone for the 2023 season and the Manitoba government hopes everyone has the chance to visit their favourite parks and explore somewhere new.”

All other provincial park campgrounds will open for the May long weekend. Manitobans can make a reservation for campsites, cabins, yurts and group-use areas by using the recently launched Parks Reservation Service, online at or by calling (toll-free) 1-888-482-2267. The Manitoba government will be evaluating the new service through the camping season for future enhancements, the minister added.

Campers will notice improvements in several provincial campgrounds this season including a new picnic shelter in the Birds Hill group-use area, new playgrounds at Asessippi, Beaver Creek, Paint Lake and White Lake, and a new amphitheatre at Hecla-Gull Harbour. Mobility access mats are also being added to beaches at Clearwater Lake (Camper’s Beach), Hecla/Grindstone (Little Grindstone and Black’s Point), Rivers, Paint Lake, Wekusko Falls and Whiteshell (Brereton Lake).

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