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Manitoba Seeding Progress Sitting At 75 Per Cent Complete

Canola seeding is Manitoba is quickly progressing.

Justine Cornelsen, agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada, says the warmer weather over the past week was beneficial.

"It definitely was needed to warm up our soil temperatures. I was quite shocked looking this spring, the first week of May, and how cool soil temperatures still were. They have definitely increased since then...Thankfully a lot of our canola is still in the ground, it hasn't come up yet. With the dry conditions and with that heat that was going to cause some additional stress to plants, it's kind of nice that the seeds were in the ground. Hopefully, they're going to get some moisture here over the next few days, and then we'll likely start seeing a bunch of canola acres start to emerge."

The province says total crop seeding is about seventy-six per cent complete.

Most of the cereals are in the ground.

Mallorie Lewarne is an agronomy extension specialist with the Manitoba Crop Alliance.

"Cereal seeding has basically wrapped up across the province," she said. "Most spring cereals have emerged, we're looking at anywhere from the one to three leaf stage right now."

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