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Manitoba Seeding Well Past Halfway but Still Lagging

Manitoba seeding has passed the halfway mark, with warm weather helping farmers to make rapid progress in the field this past week. 

The weekly crop report on Tuesday showed overall seeding in the province at 62% complete, way up from just 25% a week earlier but still behind the five-year average of 81%.  

Dry peas are the most advanced at around 97% planted, followed by cereals at 80-95%, with corn at 70%, soybeans at 47% and canola at 40%. Dry peas are around 20% planted, along with 48% of the sunflowers and 68% of the flax. Good emergence is being reported on spring cereals and field peas with the recent warm weather, the report said, adding that winter cereals remain in excellent condition with very little winterkill. 

Some cattle are being turned out to pasture where there is carryover forage or turned out with supplemental feed. More cattle will go out over the next 7 to 10 days. Producers want to ensure forage growth is adequate, 5-6” tall, before grazing, the report said. 

Nearly all creeks, streams, dugouts, and sloughs have refilled to capacity.

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