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Manitoba Seeding Wrapping Up; Rain Needed

With seeding wrapping up across most of the province, many Manitoba producers would now welcome a good rain, according to the latest weekly crop report. 

Released Tuesday, the report pegged the planting of spring cereals at about 95-99% complete, corn at 95%, soybeans at 90% and canola at 80%, adding that it is expected that all planting will be complete by the end of this week. 

While good emergence is being reported on spring cereals and field peas, the report said a rain across most regions would be welcomed. “In most regions the soil surface is getting dry due to high temperatures and wind.” Later planted crops such dry beans will have to be planted slightly deeper in order to capture moisture for germination, the report added. 

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Video: Working with Producers to Drive Innovative Research and Shape Sustainable Agriculture Worldwide

Dedicated to improving sustainability in animal agriculture, the UC Davis CLEAR Center is focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production to lower climate impact. By collaborating with animal scientists, researchers, ranchers, farmers, and agricultural organizations across the globe, we are paving the way for more sustainable agricultural practices worldwide. Sustainable livestock, sustainable future.