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Manitoba Soybean Harvest Virtually Complete

Manitoba Agriculture says total harvest completion sits at 95%, well ahead the three-year average of 79% at this time.
Fall fieldwork continues and anhydrous ammonia applications have started.
Soybean harvest is virtually complete, sitting at 92% done.
"Soybean yields have been average to good for the most part," said Industry Development Specialist Dane Froese.
"Generally yields are in the 35 to 45 bushels an acre range, which is better than some expected given how dry August was across much of Manitoba."
Corn harvest rapidly progressed over Thanksgiving weekend, with many producers finishing and grain moisture ranging from 18 to 24%.
Grain dryers have been going, though for significantly less time than last year. Provincially, the grain corn harvest is 49% done.
Cattle are being removed from community and private pastures, and back to overwintering yards.
Greenfeed silage supplies have boosted some farmers’ outlook for overwintering feedstocks, though pastures are often in fair to poor condition, with very dry surfaces.
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