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Manitoba Spring Wheat Conditions Mostly Fair to Good

Manitoba spring wheat crop conditions are rated mostly fair to good, little changed from a year earlier. 

The latest weekly crop report on Tuesday rated spring wheat crop conditions in the province's Southwest region at 60% good to excellent, with the Northwest at 50%, and the Central, Eastern and Interlake regions at 90%, 70%, and 50% good (all 0% excellent). About 10% of the crop is being reported as poor in each of the Northwest, Central, and Interlake regions. 

Once again, isolated heavy rains occurred in several regions. Precipitation for the past week ranged from 1.1 mm to 82.1 mm, with the south Central, Northwest, and Eastern regions seeing the heaviest amounts. Fork River received the most precipitation at just over 82 mm. 

The pea crop's overall condition continues to suffer in some regions with extended wet conditions. Yellowing in saturated field areas is evident, including wilting plants and ample evidence of root rot. 

Spring wheat is reported to be from flag to heading stage with fungicide application for fusarium head blight occurring. 

Canola growth stage ranges from the rosette to flowering stage. Fungicide application for sclerotina is ongoing. Sunflowers are at the V8 to V12 growth stage with R1 stage being reported. Flax crops range from growth stage 5 to 7. 

Field peas have reached the R1-R2 stage, and soybean growth stage ranges from second to fourth trifoliate with flowering being reported on earliest fields. Dry beans are in third to fourth trifoliate stage. 


There have been more showers in the Southwest region, with high humidity and rainfall ranging from 1 mm in Virden to 72 mm in Newdale area. Very localized storms have caused excess moisture conditions. Many farmers are using airplanes to spray fungicides rather than working in fields. Small creeks are flowing, and some of the deeper low spots have standing water. Winter cereals and canola are looking great, and sunflowers appear decent.  

Early spring cereals are doing well, but later crops are behind in stage and need the heat forecasted for this week. Warm season crops like soybeans, dry beans, and corn are progressing slowly, but the warmer forecast will help them catch up in staging. 


Several thunderstorms brought large amounts of precipitation during the week. Highest precipitation was at the Fork River station, recording 82 mm accumulated. Hail also accompanied these storms. Damage is unknown at this time. Overnight temperatures have stayed close to 10°C degrees and above this week. Highest daytime temperature was at The Pas station at 28°C degrees. Excess moisture is a concern and crops will need drying conditions. 


The week brought several rainfall events, causing water to pool in low spots, and high humidity. The most rainfall was received in the southeast of the central region, at Windygates (80.7 mm). Austin, in the northwest part of the region received only 3.4 mm. Crops in low lying areas are undergoing visible water stress, and there are dead spots in some fields. The moist conditions are contributing to iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) in soybean. Cooler spring temperatures have delayed crop growth, and many crops are more advanced developmentally than they may at first appear given their height. Warm season crops including soybean, edible beans, and corn are the most affected. 


Rainfall amounts across the region during the reporting period were again highly variable and ranged from 3 mm to 46 mm. Average rainfall in the region was 18 mm with the largest amount in Richer at 41 mm and Stead at 46 mm. Field access issues continue to challenge producer spraying progress, but some herbicide/fungicide application progress was made. The standing water issues are subsiding in areas that did not receive significant rain. All crops continue to display yellowing with lower areas and field drains showing loss of plants. Producers remain concerned about weed growth stage and herbicide efficacy in later seeded fields. The wet conditions are causing issues with field access.  

Expect to see more fungicide aerial applications this week, especially with meeting the correct timing in canola for sclerotinia and the fusarium head blight in wheat. Ground application equipment will be used as well as field access improves. 

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Video: Farming For The Future

We're seeing a decline in productive land, the nutritional value of our food and our connection to the natural world.

But by working in harmony with nature, regenerative agriculture revitalizes the soil, improves water management and fosters ecological balance.

Regenerative farms are leading the way, showing that what benefits the farm also benefits the climate. With land surrounded by rolling coulees, rugged badlands and the Rocky Mountains, Gerrid Knol, a second generation farmer in the heart of southern Alberta, understands the importance of working in harmony with nature.

In addition to using regenerative practices on his farm, Gerrid is a participant of Rural Routes to Climate Solution's Regenerative Agriculture Lab (RAL) and is working with others to determine how to increase the adoption of regenerative agriculture in Alberta.