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Manitobans Reminded To Be Vigilant Against Invasive Species

It's Invasive Species Awareness Week and the Manitoba government is continuing efforts to make the public aware of potential risks.
“Manitobans can all play a part in protecting our province from invasive species, many of which can have significant ecological impacts on our province,” said Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen. “This week is about making sure Manitobans are aware of how invasive species can affect our environment, and what we can do to ensure we keep our waters and landscapes healthy.”
Manitoba has been working to raise public awareness of invasive species for decades and remind Manitobans of the constant threat they pose. The annual cost of controlling invasive species in Canada runs in the billions of dollars.
The emerald ash borer (EAB) has been found in Winnipeg and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has designated the city as a control zone. Firewood of any species, ash nursery stock and any kind of ash wood cannot be moved in or out of Winnipeg without permission from CFIA. While Dutch elm disease, an invasive fungal disease, has been successfully managed in many areas in the province, the same management options do not exist for EAB. The key to defending Manitoba’s trees from this invader is prevention and early detection. Everyone is reminded not to move any firewood from the city to rural areas and vice versa, as this could move a forest invasive species like EAB.
For more information on forest invasive species, visit
Manitoba is also home to some invasive plants, many of which can be mistaken for wildflowers. Unlike native wildflowers, these species can threaten agricultural productivity of both cultivated and non-cultivated land, as well as waterways and natural areas. The Noxious Weeds Act of Manitoba requires control or destruction measures for different invasive plants.
For more information on noxious weeds in Manitoba, visit
Zebra mussels is one of Manitoba’s most concerning aquatic invasive species (AIS). The small, clam-like animals have cost the North American economy billions of dollars to control.
Both zebra mussels and spiny waterflea can have negative impacts to Manitoba’s aquatic ecosystems. Adult mussels can attached firmly to surfaces such as watercraft, trailers and other water-related equipment like anchors. Zebra mussel larvae (veligers) and spiny waterflea are tiny and can go unnoticed in water and can be transported to new water bodies by undrained watercraft and equipment like fishing gear.
While the province and water users work to contain the spread of zebra mussels and spiny waterflea out from the water bodies where they are found, there are other human-based activities that can lead to the introduction of an AIS.
Never release aquarium pets, water garden plants, live food (e.g., fish, crabs, mollusks) or live bait into water bodies, toilets or storm sewers. Never move a sport fish from one body of water to another. Not only is releasing any live aquatic organism, including plants, into a body of water illegal, these actions have the potential to start an invasion.
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