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Many dairy products have been priced out of the market

The Canadian Dairy Commission has just released its recommendations for 2023. Unlike last year’s shocking 8.4 per cent, which was almost double the previous record, the increase won’t be as dramatic.

As of February 1, 2023, most farmers in Canada will get about 2.2 per cent more for their milk. Provincial boards have the final say, but it looks like, next year, the dairy section won’t see the price increases we have all seen in 2022.

According to Statistics Canada, food prices overall are up 10.3 per cent over last year, and dairy products are now 9.7 per cent more expensive compared to last year. The attention grabber in the dairy section was butter. In many parts of the country, butter is 20 per cent more expensive than last year. Many people have just given up on the product and are now opting for non-dairy alternatives.

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Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Video: Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Joining us this week for Cattle Markets was Mike Briggs. Here is our conversation from Wednesday morning.