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Maple Lodge Farms® Completes Module Washer Efficiency Upgrade

Canada’s largest chicken processor – has successfully upgraded its Module Washers in an effort to reduce its environmental footprint and fulfill its commitment to the responsible use of resources in its operations. The project has reduced water usage in this facet of its operations by 62% annually, garnering praise from the Region of Peel.
About The Module Washer Efficiency Upgrade
Prior to their adoption of the new transport system, Maple Lodge Farms® used two crate washing systems to clean their chicken crates. With the advent of a new transport container system, two new high-efficiency wash systems were installed in their place, which utilize more recirculated water and high-pressure flows.
Water Savings
Water usage for Maple Lodge Farms® former crate washing system was measured at 8.3 million litres/year (roughly 350,245,647 cups!). After the wash system replacement, water use decreased by 62% annually.
In addition to shining a light on improved environmental sustainability, the new Module Washer has also resulted in economic benefits for the company. Maple Lode Farms® is projected to save $75,827 in water cost savings annually, as well as earning a one-time rebate from the Region for $35,331.
Maple Lodge Farms® consistently seeks new ways to operate more efficiently and conserve valuable resources. These efforts recently resulted in the adoption of a more humane way to transport chickens, including new transport containers (modules) and an upgraded container washing system.
Source : Maple Lodge Farms

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Video: Season 5, Episode 10: The Value and Importance of Market Haul Sanitation

This month on the PigX Podcast, we explore the research and insights from two producers on the advantages of maintaining clean market hauling equipment, including the financial considerations. Beyond the overall benefits to swine health, we discuss best practices implemented by these companies and the country of Denmark, strategies for introducing the proposition and methods for measuring the return on investment, in addition to much more. Joining us in today’s episode are Dr. Edison Magalhaes, assistant professor at Iowa State University, Dr. Pete Thomas, director of health services at Iowa Select Farms and Dr. Tyler Bauman, herd veterinarian with The Maschhoffs.