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Marestail Fall Control Back

By Gared Shaffer
No-till crop production in South Dakota is on the rise. Marestail (also known as horseweed) is a native plant to the United States, and is considered either a winter annual or biennial species that is often difficult to identify at the rosette stage (picture on right above). In the Dakota’s, the Marestail population will germinate in the fall and bolt in the spring. The first leaves of Marestail have a broad, round end and have a whorled leaf arrangement that forms a rosette. Small plants may be purple or green during cool weather. Marestail bolts in the spring, leaves are alternate, hairy, 1 to 4 inches long, linear in shape and attached directly to stem. Not letting Marestail produce seed is of upmost importance because they can produce up to 200,000 seeds per plant. According to research, 20 to 91 percent of those seeds that germinate in the fall can survive through the winter.
A cost effective fall burndown after harvest before a hard freeze could include a Dicamba product, glyphosate, 2,4D, Atrazine, Salflufenacil, Flumioxazin or a mixture of these depending upon what cash crop will follow in the spring. 2,4D, Atrazine, Salflufenacil, Flumioxazin and glyphosate work satisfactory under cool temperatures. Dicamba products do not work well under cool temperatures. Make applications when high temperatures are at least in the mid 50’s.
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