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Marit Promotes Saskatchewan Agriculture Overseas

Agriculture Minister David Marit is pleased with his recent trade mission to the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh and India.
“The trip was really to, you know, build relationships. Thank these companies for doing business with Saskatchewan companies and see if there's an opportunity for growth and expansion and obviously increasing our exports. I was very encouraged in all the meetings we had that we could, you know, we could see increased exports to these countries and expanding our market.”
He says we face some challenges around transportation logistics noting that the Black Sea area is becoming a big player in some products.
“What I heard from the whole trip from many of the companies that they like the consistency of our product and the quality. Obviously price is still a driver, to some degree, but I see some, some promising outcomes coming from it.”
Stats show that during 2018, Saskatchewan exported $618 million in agri-food products to all three markets combined.
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