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MASC Notifies Clients About Privacy Breach

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) is notifying its clients of a privacy breach of personal data that occurred on May 26, 2020.
An attachment containing the name and contact information of AgriInsurance clients was attached in error to an email sent to 134 producers in Manitoba.
The information that was sent did not include clients’ social insurance numbers or financial information.
Immediately following the error, MASC implemented additional process controls and contacted the Manitoba ombudsman to report the incident. The corporation will conduct a review of its processes and procedures to minimize the risk of an incident of this nature occurring again.
Producers affected by the breach will be contacted directly by MASC.
Under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, producers have the right to make a privacy complaint to the Manitoba ombudsman. Producers with any further questions regarding the breach of privacy are encouraged to contact MASC via email at
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