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MASC pays out record forage claims for 2021

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) says forage program payouts in 2021 totaled just over $36.3 million.

Product Support Manager David Koroscil says that's the largest amount seen under the program.

Included in that number is the Hay Disaster Benefit of $8.7 million.

He notes another $9.4 million was paid out for silage corn losses and $2.4 million for green feed losses.

"It definitely has an impact, as in any insurance program when there's losses. That will be reflected over time in potential increase in premium rates. In terms of the overall fund for the AgriInsurance program, we had a significant reserve balance heading into this year. That's helped offset the impact of the losses in general for all crops this year. Premiums are based on a 25-year period, so there will be an impact because of the losses this year, but that is spread out over time."

Koroscil says forage payouts in 2020 were about $7.2 million, which doesn't include silage corn and green feed.

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