Herbicide | Maximum corn heights and growth stagesa |
2,4-D | Broadcast before corn exceeds 8” tall; use drop nozzles when corn is taller than 8”. |
Accent Q | Broadcast up to 20” tall or through the V6 stage. Apply with drop nozzles when corn is 20–36” tall or before the V10 stage. |
Anthem Maxx | Apply from corn emergence through the V4 (visible fourth leaf collar) stage. |
Armezon Pro | Apply from corn emergence to the 8-leaf stage or 30” tall. |
Atrazine | Apply before corn exceeds 12” tall. |
Basagran | No height specified on label. |
Basis Blend | Apply to corn from spike through 2 collar stage. Do not apply to corn having 3 fully emerged collars or over 6” tall. |
Beacon | Broadcast when corn is 4–20” tall. After corn is 20” tall or exhibits more than 6 collars use directed applications up to tassel emergence. |
Cadet | Apply until corn is 48″ tall or prior to tasseling. |
Callisto/Callisto GT | May be applied to corn up to 30” tall or up to the 8-leaf stage. |
Callisto Xtra | Apply before corn exceeds 12” tall |
Capreno | Broadcast applications must be made to corn from the 1-leaf collar stage through the 5-leaf collar (V5) stage. |
Clarity or Banvel | Apply between corn emergence and the 5-leaf stage or 8” tall; apply 0.5 pt/A rate when corn is 8 to 36” or if 6th leaf is emerging, or if 15 days prior to tassel emergence. Do not apply when soybean are growing nearby if: 1) corn is more than 24” tall, 2) soybean are more than 10” tall, 3) soybean have begun to bloom. |
DiFlexx/DiFlexx Duo | Apply broadcast when corn is at the spike through 6-leaf collar (V6) growth stage, or 36” tall, whichever occurs first. |
Glyphosate (glyphosate-resistant corn) | Apply broadcast through the V8 stage or until corn reaches 30” tall. Use drop nozzles for applications to corn 30–48” tall. |
Halex GT (glyphosate-resistant corn) | Apply to corn up to 30″ tall or the 8-leaf stage. |
Harmony SG | Apply to 2–6 leaf corn with 1–5 collars or up to 16” tall. |
Hornet WDG | Apply broadcast until corn reaches 20” tall or V6 stage. Apply with drop nozzles to corn up to 36” tall. |
Impact/Armezon | Can be applied up to 45 days before harvest. Do not apply Armezon past the V8 growth stage. |
Laudis | Apply up to the V8 growth stage. |
Liberty (glufosinate-resistant corn) | Broadcast until corn is 24” in height or in the V7 growth stage (7 developed leaf collars). Use drop nozzles for corn 24–36” tall. |
Marksman | Apply between corn emergence and the 5-leaf or 8” height stage. |
Moxy | Apply prior to tassel emergence. |
NorthStar | Broadcast applications are made when corn is between 4 –20” tall (V2–V6). Use directed applications when corn is 20–36” tall. |
Permit | Can be applied from spike through layby. |
Realm Q | May be broadcast applied to corn up to 20” tall or exhibiting 6 leaf collars. |
Require Q | Apply to corn 4–20” tall. Do not apply to corn exhibiting 7 or more leaf collars. |
Resolve Q | Do not apply to corn taller than 20” or exhibiting 7 or more leaf collars. |
Resource | Apply to corn from the 2-leaf through 10-leaf stage. |
Shotgun | Broadcast applications to corn up to 4 leaves or 8” tall; directed applications for 5-leaf or 8–11 ¾” tall corn. |
Solstice | May be applied broadcast up to the V8 growth stage or 30” tall. |
Spirit | Broadcast applications to corn 4–20” tall. Use drop nozzles when field corn is 20–24” tall or exhibits more than 6 collars (V6). |
Starane Ultra | Apply broadcast to corn with up to 5 fully exposed leaf collars (V5). |
Status | Do not apply to corn taller than 36” or past the V10 stage. |
Steadfast Q | Apply to corn up to 20” tall or exhibiting 6 leaf collars. |
Stinger | Apply to corn from emergence through 24” tall. |
Yukon | Apply broadcast or with drop nozzles to corn from spike to 36” tall. Drop nozzles are recommended when corn exceeds 20”. |
Zemax | May be applied after corn emergence until plants reach 30” tall or up to the V8 stage. |