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Meet The 'Faces of Manufacturing' from I Make America

By Wade Balkonis

Every single day in America, the 2.8 million men and women of the equipment manufacturing industry go to work to make the equipment that builds, powers and feeds the world. These are the Americans who help move the United States’ $288 billion equipment manufacturing economy forward, but they cannot do it alone. I Make America, AEM’s national grassroots advocacy campaign, provides a platform for every supporter to raise their voice and make a difference. Today, I Make America unveiled its “Faces of Manufacturing” initiative, which spotlights the men and women behind the equipment and serves as a rallying cry for pro-manufacturing policies. The centerpiece is a 90-second video featuring more than 20 equipment manufacturing workers from 6 member companies urging their peers to speak with one united voice and tell elected officials to “create jobs, grow the economy, and keep the industry strong.” This video will be showcased as part of the 2022 I Make America – Explained tour held both digitally and in-person at member company facilities. This year's tour is designed to reengage our members to deepen their understanding of advocacy and the importance of grassroots engagement. Help us spread the movement - watch the video below and share it on social media! 

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