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Merger AgriHub Inc & Ontario Company!

Dundas Agri Systems (DAS) is pleased to announce that effective May 1st, 2022, it is joining forces with a group of other like-minded agri-businesses from across Canada who operated under the corporate umbrella of the AgriHub Group of Companies. This partnership is a natural fit given the focus on Canadian Dairy Excellence and customer service practiced by DAS, and the various AgriHub Operating Brands.

Dundas Agri Systems will continue to provide the same level of service that its current customers have come to expect from that organization. Most things will remain unchanged with respect to the company structure and product/service offerings. It will remain a local Eastern Ontario focused business with all current employees and support personnel remaining with the organization.

There were several motivating factors for partnering with other like-minded agri-businesses like AgriHub and its’ operating brands. Not only will DAS gain access to corporate skill sets like Finance, IT, HR and Marketing, which are impractical for a smaller business to acquire cost effectively on its own, we will be gaining access to an expanded team of dairy and industry experts. In addition, DAS will see expansion in the product and consumable lines, improved costing, while achieving a measure of pricing stability due to leveraged buying power.

On behalf of Dundas Agri Systems and the AgriHub Group of Companies, we thank our employees, our customers and our industry suppliers for their loyalty and confidence. We are thrilled by the prospect of significant positive outcomes for this merger and look forward to a continued co-operation with our existing customer base and to being a part of creating a stronger and more sustainable team of agricultural experts and operations for the provision of products and services in Eastern Ontario and across Canada.

Source : Dundas Agri Systems

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