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Mexico Temporarily Bans its People to Work in Canada This Summer

We learned this week, Mexico is temporarily banning its citizens from travelling to Canada to work this summer.
Every year, more than 60 thousand migrant workers travel from Mexico to work on farms throughout Canada, from planting crops to harvesting in the fall. The temporary shutdown comes after two Mexican workers contracted COVID 19 after they arrived in Ontario earlier this spring, and died. We know of several other workers that also got sick. The ban also means there are roughly 5000 Mexican workers who are currently waiting to come here and farmers at this end desperately need their help, or the food they're growing is at risk of not being harvested.
Prime Minister Trudeau was asked about this situation, during his daily update on the front step of his house.  "We know that there are many issues, from living conditions, to the fact they're tied individually to particular companies or employers, to various challenges around labour standards that require looking at.  We rely on temporary foreign workers for a large part of our agricultural production in this country. We should always take advantage of moments of crisis to reflect on 'Can we change the system to do better?' Better for Canadians and better by the people who come here and make sure we stay fed."
The Mexican ambassador in Canada says the travel ban will stay in place until there's a thorough investigation into the deaths of the two Mexican workers.
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