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MFGA Looking For Green Gold Program Participants

The Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA) Green Gold Program (Optimum Alfalfa Harvest Date) represents MFGA's longest-running producer-based program for Manitoba forage producers.
With 30 years of program delivery, the group is once again seeking producers with hay fields that are mostly alfalfa, fairly new, and in good condition for testing through the May/June growing season until the first cut.
Over recent years, MFGA has enrolled fields across eastern, central and western Manitoba, and would like to have all areas of the province represented.
Benefits: receive results from Green Gold fields twice weekly from our MFGA-coordinated sampling start-up until first cut, providing you with insights and real time information around the relative feed value (RFV) and when might be the best first cut for your alfalfa field.
Eligibility: You must agree to sample your field twice weekly (Monday & Wednesday) and submit to Central Testing Laboratory Ltd. via courier. (Costs covered by MFGA).

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GrainTALK Webinar: Management Strategies and Innovative Research on Corn Rootworm

Video: GrainTALK Webinar: Management Strategies and Innovative Research on Corn Rootworm

Join MSc. Candidate Tuesday Kristianson, and Grain Farmers of Ontario staff in the GrainTALK Webinar: Management Strategies and Innovative Research on Corn Rootworm. Kristianson shares the lifecycle of corn rootworm, current tools, best management practices and her research on Entomopathogenic Nematodes to manage corn rootworm. This novel research is funded by Grain Farmers of Ontario.