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MFGA seeking Green Gold participants

The Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA) is looking for producers to participate in this year's Green Gold program.

MGFA is seeking producers with hay fields that are mostly alfalfa, fairly new, and in good condition for testing through the May-June growing season until the first cut.

Producers will receive results twice a week from the beginning of sampling until first cut, providing real time information on when might be the best first cut for the alfalfa field.

There is no cost to participate in the program.

Samples from maturing alfalfa fields are sent to Central Testing Laboratory to pinpoint the best day for the first alfalfa cut.

MFGA will share twice-weekly reports to those who sign up.

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Video: Prepping Lambing Barns: Cleaning Pens & Moving Pregnant Ewes As Lambing Season Approaches

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