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Michigan July 1 Small Grains Forecast

Michigan’s 2016 winter wheat production is forecast at 46.0 million bushels according to the USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Regional Office. This report is based on curren t conditions as of July 1, 2016. Some highlights of the Crop Production Report are as follow s: The Michigan winter wheat yield is forecast at 81 bushels per acre, unchanged from the previous year. Winter wheat progressed ahead of last year, with 55 percent mature by July 3, compared to 44 percent last year. Condition was 69 percent good to excel lent at the beginning of July.

Oat yield in Michigan is forecast at 64 bushels per acre, which would be a 3 bushel decrease from last year. Oat planting finished behind last year ’s pace in early June, but the crop developed ahead of last yea r . By July 3, 81 percent w as headed, compared to 78 percent last year and the 5 - year average of 8 1 percent. Nationally, winter wheat production is forecast at 1.63 billion bushels, up 8 percent from the June 1 forecast and up 19 percent from 2015. Based on July 1 con ditions, the United States yield is forecast at a record high 53.9 bushels per acre, up 3.4 bushels from last month and up 11.4 bushels from last year.

The area expected to be harvested for grain or seed totals 30.2 million acres, unchanged from the Acreag e report released on June 30, 2016 but down 6 percent from last year. U.S. oat production is forecast at 76.6 million bushels, down 14 percent from 2015. Growers expect to harvest 1.17 million acres for grain or seed, unchanged from the Acreage report rel eased on June 30, 2016, but down 9 percent from last year. Based on conditions as of July 1, the average yield for the United States is forecast at 65.8 bushels per acre, down 4.4 bushels from 2015.

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