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Midge Plots are in the Ground

Midge Plots are in the Ground
By Dr. Erin Hodgson
Everyone is talking about the cool, wet spring this year. It's definitely slowed down my research projects, too. Thanks to the help of the Tylka Lab, we have about half our soybean plots in the ground. I am working on soybean aphid efficacy evaluations at the NWRF near Sutherland. I am starting some efficacy evaluations for soybean gall midge, too! We are working at a commercial farm near Griswold, IA and at the NWRF. We tentatively anticipate adult emergence to start soon. To help us understand emergence and movement, we are using "rootworm" cages to collect adults are they come out of the soil. I'll let you know when we start seeing them in our cages. 
Temperature data logger at each site.
Adult emergence cage. 

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