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Midwest Farm Report: U.S. Beef’s Growing Success in Central America

In a radio segment sponsored by the Wisconsin Beef Council, USMEF representative Lucia Ruano discusses the growing popularity of U.S. beef in Central America with Pam Jahnke, farm director for Midwest Farm Report. The interview specifically highlights how marketing efforts for U.S. beef shifted during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, targeting end consumers looking for high-quality meal options to prepare at home.

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Episode 48: The Sandhills Calving Strategy

Video: Episode 48: The Sandhills Calving Strategy

The Sandhills System involves moving pregnant cows on to different “clean” ground while leaving freshly calved pairs in the field they were born in. This method helps minimize direct contact between older calves and younger calves and reduces the transfer of viruses and the build-up of disease-causing pathogens in the calving area.