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Millicent Irwin still enjoying life on the farm

Living only a few kilometres north and east of Carlyle, Millicent Irwin has enjoyed a long and healthy life.  

She lives with her daughter Christie and loves to reminisce about how farming has been an integral part of her family.  

Millicent’s grandparents, the Hindmarchs, emigrated from Newcastle, England, in 1882 with their five children. They moved to Canada, and, after travelling to Brandon by train, settled north of Manor before the local train tracks there were built. They homesteaded north of Manor on what is now the home quarter of Dennis and Michelle Corrigan.  

Their family eventually grew to 14 children. Millicent’s father Frank was one of them and he owned a farm a few miles from the original family homestead. Millicent was born in 1924.  

Gibson Irwin travelled from Ontario to Saskatchewan in the early 1950s where he found work with local farmers. He met Millicent while he was buying feed oats from her father. In 1951, Millicent graduated from nursing school in Winnipeg as a practical licensed nurse.

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